~ HOME ~ It all started with SD State Library 2.0 Challenge

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Creating a blog can be fun. It wasn't really hard to do except for all the decisions that needed to be made. I had a terrible time trying to decide what to name my blog and what url to use. I made a list of ideas, words, combinations of words - I was brainstorming. But lo and behold I didn't have to decide. I was going through my list and checking which urls were already taken, there were a lot, when all of a sudden my pinkie finger reached over and accidentally hit the enter key. And that was the url that I got. I have decided to stick with my accidental decision; otherwise I'll have to decide all over again.

I've read other people's blogs but I never had one of my own til now. How will I use it? Well, I think I'll just start with the Library 2.0 Challenge and see where it goes from there. Who knows what ideas I might come up with.

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